Mr. George W Bush Jr.
- Ascendant (Lagna)
is Cancer whose lord is well placed in
Virgo, conjoins Jupiter constituting a Gajakesari
Yoga. Lagna is in Papa-Kartari. Lagna
has 32 SAV points. Mercury (3rd
& 12th Lord), Venus (4th
& 11th Lord), Saturn (7th
& 8th Lord) and Pluto are
placed in the Lagna. Lagna lord exchanges
house with the 3 rd lord
Mercury. Lagna lord and 9th lord
have shifted to 4th bhava.
Lagna lord Moon is in friendly Navamsa of
Leo (whose Lord is exalted but placed in
6 ) conjoins Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and
Saturn. In view of above Lagna lord and
Moon sign lord the Moon is well
fortified. Sun being the Karaka for the
first house is exalted in Navamsa is
favourable to the Native.
- Janma is in Chitra
Nakshatras. These natives are careful,
intelligent and good speakers. They make
favourable impressions by their speech
and manners.
- Venus has shifted
to 2nd bhava and Rahu &
Ketu have shifted to 12th and
6th bhava respectively.
- Mars (in Leo sign)
being yogakaraka, 5th and 10th
lord for the native is vargottam,
placed in 2nd bhava in Natal
chart. It is also Navamsa Lagna Lord,
well placed in 10th in
conjunction with Rahu, Saturn, Moon,
Uranus and Jupiter. Mars dispositor Sun
is exalted but placed in 6th and
have exchanged houses in Navamsa. 10 th
house is aspected by Saturn from
lagna. 10th house has 35 SAV
- Dasamsa Lagna is
again Cancer whose lord is placed in
Sagittarius a friendly sign but is in 6 th
along with Sun and Venus. Lagna is
aspected by exalted 10th lord
Mars from 7 th house. Mars
also conjuncts deblitated Jupiter. Mars'
dispositor Saturn has exchanged signs
with Mars and is placed in 10th.
Mars and Saturn aspects each others. Mars
is again a Yogakaraka here.
- Currently the
Native is running the Antar Dasa of Mars
in Main dasa of Saturn till 29-12-2000.
They are well placed 4/10 in the Dasamsa.
Mars being Yogakaraka for Dasamsa as well
will give good results in this period.
Mars is in Poorva Phalguni, Nakshatras of
Venus, where as Saturn is in its own
Pusya Nakshatras.
- In transit from
moon sign the major planets Jupiter and
Saturn are transiting ninth position (having
SAV of 38 points). Jupiter's transit is
highly favourable. Saturn's transit will
also be favourable to the native in this
respect. Rahu's transit in 10th
from Moon sign is also not bad. However,
the Mars transit in Virgo is not quite
- Furthermore, the
Saturn and Jupiter are presently
transiting the 17th (benefic)
and 18th (neutral) Nakshatras
respectively from the Janmatara.
- 55th Varshaphal
is given above. The ascendant is Taurus
having Yogakaraka Saturn and Jupiter
placed in the lagna. Muntha is placed in
benefic 9th conjoins Ketu and
the Munthesha Saturn is also well placed
in Lagna. Saturn is Varsesha as well and
is in its own signs of Aquarius both in
Navamsa and Dasasmsa. All these factors
are highly benefical. Conjunction of
Muntha with Ketu and aspects by Sun, Mars
(combust), Rahu, Venus and Mercury (combust)
call for need for special care of the
health of the native.
Mr. Al Gore :
- Ascendant (Lagna)
is Cancer whose lord is placed in
friendly sign of Sagitarius( in the 6th
house - not very good), conjoins Jupiter
(own house), constituting a Gajakesari
Yoga. Lagna has 29 SAV points.
Deblitating Yoga karaka Mars (5th
& 10th Lord) (enjoying Neech
Bhanga Raj Yoga ), Saturn (7th
& 8th Lord) and Pluto are
placed in the Lagna. Lagna lord Moon is
in own Navamsa of Cancer and Pisces
Dasamsa and placed in 10th in
both the Vargas. Lagna lord is aspected
by Uranus. Sun being the Karaka for the
first house is in friendly sign of
Pisces, in friendly Sagittarius Navamsa
and exalted in Dasamsa placed in 9 th,
3rd and 11th
houses in respective Vargas. The planets
Sun, Mars, Mercury, Rahu, Ketu, Uranus
and Neptune have shifted to 10th,
2nd, 9th, 11th,
5th, 12th, and 4th
respective bhavas.
- Janma nakshatras is
Moola (4 th pada).
- Mars, 5th
& 10th lord is deblitated
in Natal chart, as stated above enjoyes
neech bhanga raj yoga, conjucts
retrograde Saturn. It has shifted to 2nd
bhava. It is placed in 5th in
Aquarius Navamsa and in 6th in
own Scorpio sign in Dasamsa.10th
house has 32 SAV points.10 th
house is aspected by retrograde Saturn.
Own sign Jupiter also aspects tenth house
from sixth.
- In Dasamsa Saturn
and Sun are exalted in fifth and eleventh
houses respectively. Dasamsa Lord is
exalted Mercury placed in 4 th aspects
Moon in Pisces placed in tenth. Mars is
placed in sixth in own Scorpio sign. It
conjoins Rahu. Jupiter is deblitated in 8th
and conjoins Venus in friendly sign,
their dispositor is exalted.Rahu aspects
the 10th.
- Currently the
Native is running the Antar Dasa of
Saturn in Main dasa of Rahu till 23-11-2000.
They are placed 2/12 in the Dasamsa- Not
a good position. Saturn conjoins
deblitated Mars in Natal chart, though
exalted in Dasamsa but aspected by its
exalted enemy Sun. Saturn is in Ashlesa
Nakshatras of Mercury, where as Rahu is
in Venus Nakshatra of Bharani. Saturn is
having an average shadbala.
- In transit from
moon sign the major planets Jupiter and
Saturn are transiting sixth position (having
SAV of 36 points). Jupiter's transit is
not favourable. Saturn's transit will be
favourable to the native in this respect.
Rahu's transit in 7th from
Moon sign is not favourable. However, the
Mars transit in Virgo causes obstacles to
one's project.
- Further more, the
Saturn and Jupiter are presently
transiting the Krittika Nakshatra 12th
(neutral) and Rohini Nakshatra 13th
(benefic) respectively from the Janmatara.
- 53rd Varshaphal
of the Native is given above. The
ascendant is Libra, Yogakaraka Saturn (Deblitated)
, Mars and Jupiter placed in the seventh.
Muntha is placed in benefic 2nd
and the Munthesha Mars is placed in
Seventh from lagna (not considered good)
and aspects the Muntha. Mars is Varsesha
as well and is in its own sign of Aries
in Natal, deblitated in Navamsa in 8th
and in Leo in 8th in Dasamsa.